Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wide open spaces...

You know how when you are driving along and clever things pop into your head and then 8 hours later when you are at a computer you can no longer remember these clever things? yeah...

So, we saw the Wall drug store. Spent a lot more time there than we had thought we would. That place is huge!

Then we went to Mount Rushmore. ... $10 for this?? When I saw it I said, "That's it?" then we went back down the road a little to the Cosmos Mystery Area. That was pretty cool. I left it feeling a little ooky though.

After that it was a crazy long drive which we took a little detour that probably added about an hour to the trip. Though we did get to drive by a town that was pop: 18

they had a post office and a town hall and everything.

On our drive we saw prairie dogs and buffalo and antelopes.
Yeah, we saw the buffalo roam and the deer and the antelope play.

Also, jackalopes.

As soon as I organize my pictures, i'll put up an update in pictures. Yay for fun


  1. Is the Cosmos Mystery Area like the Mystery Spot where water flows uphill and tall things are short and up is down AND BLACK IS WHITE AND CATS AND DOGS LIVING TOGETHER MASS HYSTERIA
