Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fond du Pot

We just arrived about 40 minutes ago. It was pretty great to sit and pee and brush my teeth. The toilet did scare the shit out of me though. It flushes with extreme enthusiasm.

We got up this morning at 3am, got to Chris' mom's around 1130? (its in the notebook, which is on the desk which is much too far for me to put effort towards right now), had some potroast, then headed on our way to Chris' brother. His dad, brother, and us had dinner together, sat and chat for a bit, then a bit more outside by the cars. We were there a little too long, but it was interesting to chat with Chris' dad while Chris and his brother talked and goofed around. Chris' dad has done this sort of trip a few times, so he was giving some pointers and whatnot.

Even with our late departure from there, we still managed to get here just when I had it written down that we would arrive. Crazy!

It was a helluva dark and long road though, I'll tell ya...

12 hours to Wall, SD

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