Monday, October 11, 2010

Go west...

Well here we are. It has been nice to see my mother, brother, and father all in one day. That has not happened since I graduated.

Niagara Falls was an awesome site. I do like that they light up the falls at night and add a bit of color. On the other hand, I sometimes dislike that such awe inspiring sites are always surrounded by gaudy tourist instillation's and facilities that look to be fifty years old. How nice would it be to walk down a rough path and come out at the falls. No casinos or hotels towering over it or tourists mobbing in front of it. ahhh well...

Chicago was interesting to pass through. Like any major city it had very tall sky scrapers and is very congested. As we passed through, I could not help but feel a bit of anxiety. While seeing the city and area leading up to it is interesting and new, it is foreign. This is not your town or your area. It is fun to see new places but I do not wish to stay here.

Head west!

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