Saturday, October 23, 2010


Slept so long last night, it was kind of great. We stopped about 3 hours from Cheryl's for the night and slept so comfortable. No ghosts at this one. A couple nights ago we stayed at a Holiday Inn Express and it was totally haunted. I think it must've been an angry ghost too.

Today we got to Cheryl's house, had some lunch, then met Chris' dad out by the gallery of art. It is super easy to get lost in that place, but it was pretty fun as well. We also went across the mall to the air and space museum then wandered back to Cheryl's again.

I will be putting the rest of the pictures and organizing them tonight and tomorrow, so there shall be a photo update soon.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What the crazy is this?

Driving along the top of the country the weather was great, sunny, warm temperatures... even in Yellowstone where everyone was like, oh man, they usually close roads this time of year, you'll want to bring chains for your tires!!

But you know what? The worst weather has been in Arizona and New Mexico. Torrential downpour driving along in Arizona toward the Grand Canyon the day before yesterday and then tonight there was so much hail on the road that when we had pulled over for a bit, I thought it was slush. When I went to drive again, I quickly found out this was not normal slush. Hail is ridiculously slippery to try to drive on. Yesterday too, we were in Sedona and as soon as we parked, rain started pinging heavier on the car and suddenly little white chunks were dropping onto my windshield.

The hood of my car is no longer covered in crusty bug guts, but instead little white scratches from hail.

This is goofy.

I bet it's because I made fun of them before the trip for closing I-40 sometimes due too weather. I called them pussies and suggested they take some of that desert sand to sand the roads.

The lightning here is wild, also.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

1/2 way there

It has been a while since we could get an Internet connection. So much has happened and yet since we have to keep moving at all times, I can barely remember it.

Colorado was a nice place. Since it is a college town there is a huge influx of money and so everything looks new. I had a beer called Moose Drool. It was interesting. We ate at a place called Beau Jo's. The pizza was pretty good. They roll the crust around the edge extra thick so when you reach it, you can spread honey on it like a desert. I loved it. They also have a pizza challenge called the 14er, good luck.

We made our way into Nevada and to my grandmother Kelleher. I have not seen her in years. It was good to see her after so long.

San Fransisco was our next stop. I would love to visit the city again. There seems to be so much to see and do. Every block looked interesting and buzzing with people.

The sequoias were a great sight. The trees look almost fake. I wish I knew which one my mother had taken a picture of me standing in front of so i could compare it years later. Oh well


Monday, October 18, 2010

$13/night for Internet??

Vegas sure is ostentatious. And expensive. $12.99/24 hours for Internet connection. I saw down at a poker table only to find out each hand costs $30. So I quickly got up and we looked for something else. I sat down at a video blackjack table thing. That was interesting. I lost $10 at that. I had won a couple hands enough to break even, but I kept going and lost that $10. Oh well. If we go to Las Vegas again, I think we have decided it is a place to spend 2 or 3 days at so you can see a show and whatnot and be able to find the tables that are right for you... you know, where the blinds in texas hold 'em are only $1 and $2...

Because of ridiculous traffic going across the Hoover Dam, we missed out on supper at Delgadillo's Snow Cap Drive Inn. Instead we ate at the Roadkill Cafe. Tomorrow I think we will try for Snow Cap. We have to backtrack about 40 miles, but I guess it isn't too bad in the grand scheme of the trip.

Since we got here a little sooner than expected, we will be able to get the proper amount of sleep for once. It has been a couple days since we have been able to sleep a solid amount. After Colorado, we had a 5 hour night, a 3 hour night, and a 6 hour night. Tonight, we should be getting at least 8 hours. SO LEISURELY!!!

Tomorrow is Grand Canyon, Sedona, and Phoenix.


Friday, October 15, 2010

Large tracks... of... LAND...

There is a reason there are ghosts towns out here...or any towns for that matter. People heading west got too tired of traveling across the expanse, said "screw it!" and plopped down where ever there was a water source. Most of the land out here is either owned by ranchers or is reserved for the Native Americans. If you ask me, they definitely got the short end of a poop stick.

Wyoming Sucks

Seriously. We have spent more time in this state than any other state so far. The roads are long an empty, 100 miles before you see a town, and when you do see that town it turns out it is a ghost town. The Continental Divide runs through it. Chris promises me that the divide is more obvious in the south.

Getting closer to Yellowstone brought more interesting terrain, however night fell about the same time, so I have yet to see this interesting terrain other than closely bordering trees. Also, there are a SHITTON of elk in Yellowstone.

Driving through Yellowstone looking for a place to stay, we went by maybe 8-10 groups of elk on the roadside. they are HUGE. I had about 15 heart attacks tonight. I am exhausted. I cannot wait to get to where there is more civilization. Tomorrow we should be ending up somewhere in Nevada with the next day after that being San Francisco.

While it is neat and fun to see all the wildlife we have seen so far, I am anxious to be back in civilization. I am a city girl, not a country gal.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Quick Picture Update

View from the top of the hairpin turn in North Adams, Mass

Niagara Falls at night




The Spam Museum in Minnesota!!

Astride my trusty jackalope at Wall Drug in Wall, SD

Sure was expecting a little more...

Cosmos Mystery Area about half a mile down the road from the turnoff to Mt Rushmore. I felt so sick after I left that place...

Colorado Rockies